Bulimia Nervosa and the need for help

There are times when we go through a phase of difficulties in our lives and turn to eating to ease our loneliness or depression. We open the fridge door and grab a bite, we pass the bananas and grab some, we lie on the couch watching television and pick up a packet of chips or nuts to munch. Then, because we feel guilty about our actions, we try to purge, exercise or fast. This is when we should realize that if we are doing this, then we have an eating disorder that we need to deal with. Binging and purging take a toll on the body. Timely help can help you overcome the compulsion you feel to eat; as well as improve the relationship you have with food and cure your unstable emotional state as well.

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder. There are many episodes of binge eating, followed by frantic exercising and dieting and binging to lose weight and stay slim. When you suffer from this disease, you are in a constant struggle between the need to eat and the need to stay slim. Even if you are not following your episodes of excessive eating with binging, but trying to exercise frantically or fasting or going on a crash diet, it also qualifies for bulimia. Continue reading

The Teen Eating Disorder Defense Mechanism

Adolescence can be a very stressful time when people begin gaining independence and discovering who they are. The teen years are when people establish new friendships and also when they find that their body has begun to develop. When a person enters puberty, it can be a very stressful, confusing and frightening period.

A lucky few can make the transition from childhood to adulthood with no major problems. However, there may be some who may develop a teen eating disorder as a way to cope with these changing times.

A teen eating disorder may cause someone to worry that the weight that he or she is gaining will become permanent. This can cause panic and desperate efforts to prevent or shed any weight gain. Teens may be ignorant of the fact that these physical changes will ease with time and that their weight will stabilize without the need for dieting. The teen eating disorder may also be attributed to going through puberty which is a testing time, especially if the teenager also has to undergo sexual advances. Continue reading