Overcoming Dyslexia – One amongst the Most Common Learning Disabilities

Research studies show that as many as  9 per cent of school aged children within the United States have been diagnosed with Dyslexia. Some researchers have said  that the number  is even as high as seventeen per cent.  It is understood that the  problem may be even larger in Europe and non-European countries. It is reported that in countries like the US,  Canada, New Zealand and UK, there’s lack of proper techniques and advancements in learning disabilities of kids in public schools.  And in most of the countries, children are combating phonics and developmental disorders. Dyslexia is mostly a neurological or brain based condition. With this condition, there is speculated to be poor communication between the left and right brain hemisphere.

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Late Diagnosis of Dyslexia – What You Need to Know

It can be really hard and confusing to suffer from a condition that is  misunderstood and not always detected as early as it should be. Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that is often diagnosed late because many people are not yet aware of this condition. Another reason for the late diagnosis of dyslexia are the misleading symptoms of this condition of the affected person, that looks like it is just carelessness, laziness or being a slow learner.

When a child has difficulty reading at the age when most children of his or her age can fluently read, that particular child will be perceived as someone who is slow learner, lazy, lacks intelligence or plainly stupid. It is often overlooked that his or her  learning difficulty might be dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning disability resulting to difficulties in spelling, reading, processing numbers, sequence, time management and taking instructions. Dyslexics are not stupid, they have normal or even higher intelligence quotient; the way they process information is just different from those without dyslexia. Late diagnosis of dyslexia can also delay the coping ability of people with dyslexia. Continue reading